Integra Boost 69 % / 67 g

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Du skal blot placere en BOOST™-pakke i en lukket beholder (humidor) med de tørre cigarer, og fugtighedspakken vil gå på arbejde for dig og genopbygge dine trætte cigarer ved at frigive fugt, indtil luften omkring den når optimal fugtighed.

  • Køb 5 for 30,00DKK pr. stk. og spar 19%
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Spørgsmål til produktet

Too Wet.
Excess moisture means mold, rot and ruined products.
Too Dry.
Arid air can turn pantry items stale or dry out rare cigars.
Just Right.
Integra’s 2-way humidity control technology responds to the environment you place it in — either releasing or absorbing moisture as needed to ensure the optimal environment. 

Integra Boost products are safe, non-toxic, FDA compliant and 100% salt-free.

Every Integra BOOST pack includes a hands-free Replacement Indicator Card. When the dot on the card turns bright blue, it’s time to replace. It’s that simple.

The Benefits:
Extend shelf-life
Preserve product quality and integrity
Protect from mold and rot
BOOST humidity to avoid over-drying

The Difference:
FDA-compliant and safe for food contact
No chemical off-gas
Plant-based solution
Spill and tear-resistant
Designed to grab excess moisture faster than other leading brands

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